本校小五及小六學生於一月八日參加了海洋公園主辦的「賽馬會水上安全計劃 - 到校互動講座」。 是次講座內容豐富多彩,專為同學們設計了一小時的互動遊戲及專題學習活動,讓學生們在輕鬆有趣的氛圍中學習。 同學們反應踴躍,積極參與每個環節,現場氣氛熱烈。講座過程中,學生們不僅學到了實用的水上安全知識,還加深了對海洋保育的重要性的理解。這次活動不僅豐富了學生們的課外知識,還激發了他們對海洋環境保護的關注和熱情。 期望是次活動能啟發和教育樂天學生,讓他們成為未來的海洋保育先鋒。
On January 8, our Primary 5 and Primary 6 students participated in the 'Water Safety Program - Interactive School Seminar' organized by Ocean Park. The seminar was rich and diverse, designed specifically for the students with an hour of interactive games and thematic learning activities, allowing them to learn in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.
The students responded enthusiastically and actively participated in every segment, creating a lively atmosphere. During the seminar, students not only learned practical water safety knowledge but also deepened their understanding of the importance of marine conservation. This activity not only enriched the students' extracurricular knowledge but also sparked their interest and passion for marine environmental protection.
We hope this activity can inspire and educate our students, enabling them to become future pioneers in marine conservation.